Rašťák Robert, PhDr.
Juríčková Lubica, PhDr. Mgr. Ph.D.
Ivanová Kateřina, doc. PhDr. Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
The content of the course is to: a) application of an interactive approach in healthcare in the doctor-patient relationship; b) mastering the communication strategy of SPIKES and its application within the doctor-patient communication; c) processing of own communication situation (good or negative) using SPEAK UP model; d) mastering the model of factors involved in safety incidents in hospitals (so-called deadly dozen); e) mastering the communication model of the SBAR program for creating effective communication in the team, the application of the SBAR program and the learning spiral in teamwork.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, Monologic Lecture(Interpretation, Training), Dialogic Lecture (Discussion, Dialog, Brainstorming), Observation, Demonstration, Work Activities, Activating (Simulations, Games, Dramatization)
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to show students how ethics and law can be connected in professional medical practice based on knowledge of codes and standards. Emphasis will also be placed on knowledge of the Code of Ethics at Palacký University which addresses the ethical conduct of academic staff and students in education, science and research. the concepts of harassment, bossing and mobbing will be explained to students, case studies of such situations and possible solutions will be shown. The aim of the subject is also to show students different types of communication strategies suitable for communication in medicine and to teach them how to use these strategies in time-limited situations using examples from practice.
After completing the course, the student should have mastered the basics of interaction in communication in health care, should be able to apply the communication strategy SPIKES in the communication situation doctor - patient, should know the model of factors involved in safety incidents in hospitals, should be able to communicate in the medical team on the basis of the acquired SBAR program.
Not specified.
CJA/VCB11 and BIO/VCB11 and LBF/VCB11 and LCH/VCA11 and NAN/VCB15 and HIE/VCB11 and KAR/VCB11 and LCH/VCB19 and PVL/VCB72
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam, Student performance, Analysis of Creative works (Music, Pictorial,Literary), Dialog, Systematic Observation of Student
Active participation, attendance at practical exercises, 100% attendance
Recommended literature
Výukové prezentace zveřejněné v prostředí Moodle.
Zákon č. 372/2011 Sb., o zdravotních službách, v platném znění.
Zákon č. 373/2011 Sb., Zákon o specifických zdravotních službách.
Černý, V. (2012). Jak jednat s různými typy lidí. Brno: BizBooks.
Ivanová, K., Hanák, P. (2020). Hippokratés: vzpomínka na minulost nebo naděje pro medicínu? In Ptáček, R., Bartůněk, P. eds. Naděje v medicíně.. Praha: Grada Publishing.
JAKEŠOVÁ, P., a kol. (2014). Právní gramotnost v medicíně. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci.
KOLÁŘ, M. (2011). Nová cesta k léčbě šikany. Praha: Portál.
Kratz, H.J. (2005). Mobbing: jak ho rozpoznat a jak mu čelit. Praha: Management Press.
PTÁČEK, R., BARTŮNĚK, P., a kol. (2014). Etické problémy medicíny na prahu 21. stol.. Praha: Grada Publishing.
Vohlídalová, M., Šaldová, K., Tupá, B. (2010). Sexuální obtěžování ve vysokoškolském prostředí: analýza, souvislosti, řešení.. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR.