Předmět: Social and Cultural Anthropology

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Název předmětu Social and Cultural Anthropology
Kód předmětu KKS/KSAM
Organizační forma výuky Přednáška
Úroveň předmětu Magisterský
Rok studia nespecifikován
Semestr Zimní a letní
Počet ECTS kreditů 5
Vyučovací jazyk Angličtina
Statut předmětu Povinný
Způsob výuky Kontaktní
Studijní praxe Nejedná se o pracovní stáž
Doporučené volitelné součásti programu Není
Dostupnost předmětu Předmět je nabízen přijíždějícím studentům
  • Sehnálková Lucie, Mgr.
Obsah předmětu
In trying to provide an overview of the social and cultural variation in the world, this course will bring closer the processes of transforming seemingly 'strange' into 'ordinary', and vice versa. In this process, students will gain a general, though comprehensive introduction to the aims, scope, methods, and history of anthropology. In particular, we explore three complementary avenues to the comparative study of human society and culture: ethnographic description and analysis of particular societies and cultures; the comparative study of social institutions; and different theoretical approaches involved in description, analysis and comparison.

Studijní aktivity a metody výuky
Přednášení, Dialogická (diskuze, rozhovor, brainstorming), Metody práce s textem (učebnicí, knihou)
Výstupy z učení
The course will provide an overview of critical issues that define the social and cultural anthropology as a discipline. The aim is to introduce students to central concepts such as 'culture', 'society', the notion of the 'other', as well as the relationship between 'nature' and 'culture', and local and global worlds. Through the assigned texts and articles, we will explore issues of the belief systems, social relationships, economic and environmental contexts, gender roles, and international and intercultural relationships of a number of cultures and the potential biases and varied perspectives of the socio-cultural anthropologists who studied them. On completing the course, students should have a broad understanding of both what people have in common and the vast variety of social and cultural institutions as well as some comprehension of the ways in which cultures interact and change over time.
Upon completion of the course, students will gain greater understanding and knowledge of the intimate and personal study of human cultures, societies, and changing social, economic and political situations in an increasingly globalized world. The intimate and personal dimension of the discipline is reflected in its specific ethnographic methodology focused on the participatory observation and extensive fieldwork - the anthropologist live-in and live-with the people and communities, they are trying to understand. Gaining an understanding of the anthropological method, the students will acquire skills in critical self-reflection through cultural immersion as well as through careful scholarship and learning.
There are no prerequisites for this course. There is a reading list in English provided in Moodle that includes anthropological articles and books on various anthropological topics. The course requires regular attendance at lectures, active participation in discussions, and work on the given tasks throughout the semester. The course is concluded with a presentation of a project.

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria
Známkou, Analýza výkonů studenta, Rozhovor, Systematické pozorování studenta, Závěrečný projekt

During the semester, students must be present in lectures; a maximum of three absences per semester are tolerated. Students are also expected to participate in discussions and work on the given tasks actively. To pass the course, students must complete the mini-scale ethnographic fieldwork on a topic of one's choice and make a final presentation at the end of the semester. Students will be assessed based on their active participation in class discussions, submitted tasks, and their final project.
Doporučená literatura
  • John Monaghan and Peter Just. (2000). Social and Cultural Anthropology. A very short introduction.. Oxford University Press, Uk 9th Edition.
  • Konopinski N. (ed). (2014). Doing anthropological research: a practical guide.. Routledge, London.
  • Ladisalv Holi. (2012). The Litle Czech and the Great Czech Nation. National Identity and the Post-communist Social transformation. Cambridge University Press, Uk.
  • Martha Kempny. (2012). Rethinking Native Anthropology: Migration and Auto-Ethnography in the Post-Accession Europe. University of Bucharest.
  • Thomas Hylland Eriksen. (2001). Small places, large issues. An Introduction to social and Cultural Anthropology. London.

Studijní plány, ve kterých se předmět nachází
Fakulta Studijní plán (Verze) Kategorie studijního oboru/specializace Doporučený ročník Doporučený semestr
Fakulta: Cyrilometodějská teologická fakulta Studijní plán (Verze): Charitativní a sociální práce - Mezinárodní (2015) Kategorie: Sociální vědy 1 Doporučený ročník:1, Doporučený semestr: Zimní