Langer Jiří, doc. Mgr. Ph.D.
Polínek Martin Dominik, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, Training in job and motor Skils, Activating (Simulations, Games, Dramatization)
Learning outcomes
The goal of discipline is to equip students with basic knowledge about the direction of Gestalt psychotherapy and link them with the knowledge of dramaterapy. Subsequent students the opportunity to outline the direction dramatherapy psychotherapeutic practice.
The outcomes of the subject are based on partial profile of the subject`s absolvent.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written exam
Fulfilment of subject requirements as stipulated by teachat the beginning of the semester.
Recommended literature
Mackwen, J. (2004). Gestalt pychoterapie. Praha: Portál.
Polster, E, Polster, M. (2000). Integrovaná gestalt terapie. Boskovice: Albert.
Zinker,J.C. (2000). Integrovaná Gestalt terapie : obrysy, teorie, praxe. Boskovice : Albert.