Vítek Karel, JUDr.
Kolibová Petra, Mgr.
Čubíková Michaela, Mgr.
Course content
The subject informs about the systems of legal norms which apply to peruance of the profession of radiological assistant, with legal significance of health documentation, with legal consequences of professional slip and disservice to a patient, it prepares students to take charge of professional responsibility for the health service which they have rendered, it teaches to understand the problems of protection of personality and the duty of a health worker to report an offence and it shows the solution of specific problematic situations (infectious patient, uncontrollable patient, refusal of care, presence of other people at rendering the health care).
Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, Projection (static, dynamic)
Learning outcomes
The subject informs about the systems of legal norms which apply to peruance of the profession of radiological assistant, with legal significance of health documentation, with legal consequences of professional slip and disservice to a patient, it prepares students to take charge of professional responsibility for the health service which they have rendered, it teaches to understand the problems of protection of personality and the duty of a health worker to report an offence and it shows the solution of specific problematic situations (infectious patient, uncontrollable patient, refusal of care, presence of other people at rendering the health care).
On the completion of the subject the student will be able to manage required medical legal quota in professional problems with emphasis on questions of personal rights of the patient and other problems of legal responsibility of a health worker.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written exam
Active attendance.
Recommended literature
Andraščíková, M. (2016). Zákoník práce: prováděcí nařízení vlády a další související předpisy: s komentářem: k 1. 1. 2016. Olomouc: Anag.
Hulmák, M. a kol. (2014). Občanský zákoník VI. Závazkové právo. Zvláštní část (§ 2055-3014). Komentář.. Praha: C. H. Beck.
Lavický a kolektiv. (2014). Občanský zákoník I. Obecná část. (§1-654).. Praha: C.H.Beck.
Svejkovský, J., Vojtek, P., Teska Arnoštová, L. (2016). Zdravotnictví a právo. Praha: C. H. Beck.