Chorý Tomáš, ak. soch. ArtD.
Boček Ronovská Anna, Mgr. et Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Lectures offer an introduction to the present-day status and actual questions of both disciplines; their relationship toward the history of art and artistic criticism is outlined as well. After a brief acquaintance with the history of aesthetics, the lectures focus on selected topics and basic aesthetic categories: aesthetic distance, quality, value, kitsch (junk), etc. Interpretation of the art theory is based the artistic practice evidence.
Learning activities and teaching methods
- Semestral Work
- 60 hours per semester
- Preparation for the Exam
- 34 hours per semester
- Attendace
- 26 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The course objective is to acquaint students with the basic concepts and categories of aesthetics and theory of art. Students further familiarize with the historical development, distinguished representatives and various thought directions in both disciplines.
Ability to understand and to lead an aesthetics debate.
Basic overview.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam, Essay
Delivery of the seminar work -theoretical essay on one of the ordered themes. Attendance at lectures is not a prerequisite for finishing the course.
Recommended literature
Eco, Umberto. (1998). Umění a krása ve středověké estetice. Praha.
Foster; Krausová; Bois; Buchloh. (2007). Umění po roce 1900. Slovart, Praha.
Gilbertová, K. H. - Kuhn, H. Dějiny estetiky. Praha 1965.
Chalumeau, Jean-Luc. (2003). Přehled teorií umění. Praha.
Liesmann, Konrad Paul. (2000). Filosofie moderního umění. Olomouc.
Perniola, Mario. (2000). Estetika 20. století. Praha.
Stibral, Karel. (2005). Proč je příroda krásná?. Praha.
Zuska, Vlastimil. (2001). Estetika, úvod do současnosti tradiční disciplíny. Praha.